Asphalt Batch Mixing Plants

Cold Aggregate 4-Bin Feeders

4-Bins for cold aggregate feeders are all-welded and modular in construction, permitting easy addition of bins to meet growing needs. Steep bin-walls and valley-angles allow free flow of aggregates from the feeders minimizing hold-up of materials in the corners and bridging with sticky aggregates. There is a bin vibrator mounted on walls of dust bin. The bins are supplied with adjustable calibrated gate openings and variable speed feeder drives together offer a total proportional control, greater flexibility and accuracy of operations. Belt scrapper perfectly cleans wet dust stick on return belt of gathering conveyor.

A single-deck vibrating screen removes over size aggregates from main flow to prevent any damage of dryer internal flights. Feeding belt-conveyor further feeds material into a rotary dyer.

Dryer Drum

Field proven Dryer drum with high aggregates drying efficiency at very low maintenance cost has gained top reputation among present day's asphalt batch plant manufactures in India. The drum is equipped with 4-wheel drive by gear motors. The dryer also has an unique feature of air-preheat system, which improves drying efficiency, aid power saving, reducing the thermal stresses on the drying drum by burner. Two heavy dyer rings fitted on drum shell & 4-trunning rollers with pressure-fitted shafts & heavy duty bearing pedestals have long working life which are special design features of our dryer.

The modulating type dryer burner operates on high fuel-atomizing pressure (40bar) suitable for LDO/Furnace Oil with automatic controls, and of wich a wide turn-down air/fuel ratio saves your money...

A temperature-sensor(PTR/thermocouple) fitted at discharge chute senses temperature of dried hot-aggregates. Burner controls this temperature at desired set level.

Hot Elevator

The continuous flow of dried hot aggregates discharged from drover is lifted onto a vibrating screen on top of batch tower by a totally enclosed bucket elevator. The elevator top-wheel has a replaceable type teethed hard material periphery and elevator chain with a numbers of buckets rides centrally aligned on this wheel. The elevator bottom wheel works as an idler to keep chain in alignment to top wheel. The bottom shaft is spring loaded to keep chain always in tension.

Batching Tower

Complete Batching Tower consists of a Vibrating Screen, Hot-bins, Weighing section and Mixer section.

Vibrating Screen

The inclined 4-deck vibrating screen with circular motion is run by two Electro vibratory motors. The vibrating screen has special design feature to keep each screen cloth always in tight position by a numbers of springs. This gives the screen cloth a longer life and no dead-zone found on it thus, yields the best screening efficiency. All screen wire-meshes are made of special spring-steel with anti wear property for long life.

Entire screen basket is enclosed in a fixed casing. The free-floating screen design (supported on heavy action springs) inside a fixed sturdy enclosure prevents from any vibration being transferred to the weighing scales to give accurate weighing efficiency. Wider platform with easy access provides easy maintenance. A specially designed screen-by pass facility with pneumatically operated gate with is provided in our plant.

Hot Bins

Storage hopper for screened hot aggregates has four partitions for each size aggregate, below vibrating screen. It has ample storage capacity. Each bin has rotary discharge gate at it's bottom. Four High level switches helps to control a smooth flow of each size aggregates in required quantity without any over flow/short fall of hot aggregates. Thus, minimum wastage of hot-aggregates from over-flow for better overall fuel efficiency of plant.

Weigh Bins

There are three weigh-bins: for aggregates, for filler material and for bitumen, each suspended by a S-type load cell. Highly valuable weighing system requires no maintenance and their an easy calibration system makes our Plant highly popular to site engineers and plant operators. Aggregate Weigh hopper has rotary types discharge gates at bottom. Bitumen weigh hopper is hot-oil jacketed.

There is ball type 3-way valve with jacketed body provided at inlet of bitumen weight hopper & is operated by a pneumatic jack. Bitumen weigh hopper outlet valve is of conical plug type & is also operated by pneumatic jack. All jacks are controlled by solenoid valves and under computer command.

Mixer Section

The three dimensioned twin shaft type pug-mill mixer with a large live-zone is the heart of this Plant, realizing a quick-mixing of asphalt. A high capacity bitumen spray pump sucks weighed batch of bitumen from weigh-hopper and sprays into mixer within few seconds to yield a longer mixing time and produces a perfectly homogeneous mix. The pug-mill mixer body also is hot-oil jacketed and has low maintenance oil-bath system for continuous lubrication of its chain drive.

The paddle arms & mixing tips mounted on two shafts of mixer and all body-inners are made of highly wear resistance, high nickel cast alloy steel. The reversible design of the mixing tips ensures a lower operating cost. Pneumatically operated, rotary type gate at mixer-bottom gives quick discharge of hot-mix.

Pollution Control


The exhaust flow with finer dust particles further travel to a RA type bag-filter unit, which has a number of filtering bags made from 180 deg. C Heat resistant aramid fabric with ample filtering surface area.

Emission level of unit is less than 50mg/Nm3. Longer life of filter-bags and less maintenance is another important feature of our Plant.Fine dust is collected in bottom storage-hopper, which has a screw conveyor to remove collected fine dust & feed into an inlet hopper of filler bucket elevator to further carry onto tower-top for making a filler-batch.

Exhaust Fan with its Damper Control & Chimney Stack

The other end of Bag-House filter, is connected to a high capacity exhaust fan, capable to draw all burner-flue-gases from dryer drum. The inlet of this fan has a damper-gates, controlled/operated by an quarter turn electric actuator and a chimney stack at its outlet to deliver clean gases at height into atmosphere to keep environment clean at site.

Foreign-Filler Feeding

A vertical Foreign-Filler silo of 4m3 capacity with feeding a bucket elevator & a screw conveyor is supplied along with plant.

Bitumen Heating And Storage Solution

Our Esteemed customers can opt for direct fired heating bitumen tanks or hot oil heated bitumen tanks. Storage capacity ranges from 15 to 50 ton each.The indirect heating tanks with internal heating coils are supplied with a highly efficient 3-pass design thermic oil heater. The Thermic oil heater is supplied with independent automatic control panel including oil temperature indicator control, low level switch, low circulation pressure switch, over temperature cut off thermostat burner control relays and burner operating circuits. The thermic oil heater is supplied with auto temperature controls to maintain precise bitumen temperature. The heater capacity ranges from 3-lacskcal/hr to 6-lackcal/hr. according required quantity of bitumen to be heated daily.

The direct heating tanks are supplied with automatic imported pressure jet burner, As a standard, all bitumen tanks are supplied with auto thermostatic controls and level indicators.

Our every batch plant is supplied with hot oil jacketing on bitumen pipe line, asphalt pump, bitumen weigh hopper section and pug mill body. Opting for hot oil heating reduces asphalt pump binding, asphalt pipeline blocking, smoother bitumen weigh batcher and pug mill operations.

Fully Automatic Plant Control System

Fully computerized air-conditioned control cabin, with on-board electrical power control console, distribution switch board, fully automatic process and sequence controls are a standard on our batch plants. User-friendly software on the computer with a parallel PLC man machine interface gives you total reliability and ensures top notch performance.

  • Fail proof power interlocks and auto process controls.
  • Online fault detection with remote connectivity and solution.
  • Docket printing and inventory management.
  • Provisions to print, store and email productions details, mix proportions, etc.
  • Automatic cold aggregate feeder controls linked with mix design and hot bin levels.
  • Automatic free fall compensation.

The controls is equipped with function-keys and numeric-keys, and does not require special skills for operation. The operator can monitor the complete process control, motor status and pneumatic controls through the colour CRT display.

Technical Specifications of “AADESH” Asphalt Batch Mix Plant

Plant Model PABMP120 PABMP160
Plant Capacity @3% Moisture Content T.P.H. 120 160
Batch Size KG. 1600 2000
Cycle Time SEC. 45 45
Cold Feed Bins No. of Aggregate Bin/ Total Capacity Nos. / Total T. 4 / 80 4 / 80
Charging Conveyor Capacity T.P.H. 140 180
Thermo Drum Heating Drum Dryer (L x D) 8.45 X 2.1 8.45 X 2.1
Drive Type 4W Friction Drive
Burner Type High Pressure, Fully Automatic, Modulating
Fuel Diesel / Furnace Oil
Capacity MW / HR 14.1 14.1
Hot Elevator Capacity T.P.H. 140 180
Tower Unit
Filler Elevator Capacity T.P.H. 21 21
Screening Unit Screening Method Inclined Circular Vibration
No. of Deck 4 4
Screening Capacity T.P.H. 140 180
Hot Aggregate Bin Unit No. of Bins 4 4
Weighing Unit Aggregate Hopper Capacity KG 1600 2000
Filler Hopper Capacity KG 300 300
Bitumen Hopper Capacity KG 225 225
Mixer Unit Type Twin Shaft Hot Oil Jacketed
Mixer Capacity KG 1600 2000
Bitumen Pump L.P.M. 800 800
Pollution Control Unit
Type Bag House Filter
Bag House Filter Reverse Air flow
Filter Area SQ. MET. 386 386
Control Panel Type Fully Computerized With Manual Over-Ride

Options Available

Filler Silo Capacity CU.MET. 3 / 7 / 11 / 18 / 28
Bitumen Tanks Capacity CU.MET. 30 / 50
Heating System Direct Heating / Thermic Oil Heating
Thermic Oil Heater Hot Oil Heater Capacity KCAL / HR 300000 / 500000